Jumat, 10 Januari 2014


Gambar 1.1

Gambar 1.2

Gambar 1.3

Lirik Lagu FUN. - Why Am I The One

I got enough on my mind that when she pulls me by the hair
she hasn't much to hold onto

Lirik Lagu FUN. - Some Nights

some nights, i stay up cashing in my bad luck
some nights, i call it a draw
some nights, i wish that my lips could build a castle
some nights, i wish they'd just fall off

Tugas Akhir :')

Akhir-akhir ini gue disibukan sama yang namanya "TUGAS AKHIR". Jadi tuh di sekolah gue tercinta ini SMKN 1 Cibinong terutama jurusan Multimedia, semester 6 tuh dapet tugas buat ngerjain tugas akhir.